Greg Mathers
How Your Problems Should Strengthen You
Try an experiment. Think of three significant problems your company is facing that you have control over. This means you should be able to solve them.
Greg Mathers
Try an experiment. Think of three significant problems your company is facing that you have control over. This means you should be able to solve them.
Don McKenzie
As a business owner or major shareholder, appointing senior roles such as CEO, GM or COO is a big step. In the Adizes Lifecycle model, it marks the transition into the “Adolescence” phase.
Zvezdan Horvat
What do you think – do leaders have more impact on the success or the failure of their companies? I think they impact failure more. If a company is successful, then this is the result of the good work of many, including the leader.
Greg Mathers
When you were in school, copying another person's work was considered cheating, and doing so could land you in a lot of trouble. Why is the practice of plagiarism so frowned upon?
Pavel Belorusskiy
When we hear the word “reform” we immediately think of the government. We feel that “they” should do something so that “we” can live and work better.
Don McKenzie
Starting with “strategy,” or long-term planning in general, for any business that is more than a few years old, is generally not a good idea. “The company is lacking direction. The company is losing market share. There are cultural and operational problems. We need some strategic assistance to get back on track.”
Jonathan Small
These are uncertain times for all of us. Small business owners with little cash flow are especially feeling the squeeze. To help figure out how to manage your business in times of crisis such as the coronavirus, we talked to Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes